How can I get a replacement CNA certification card?

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asked in Registry by Kathleen A. B.
I've recently had my purse stolen, and inside my wallet was my license. I need the card to show it at a place of work even though they can look me up online. I carry it at all times, just in case I come across someone in a store or street with problems as well. I also changed my address. How do I report the new address? This is very important to me, I've been an aide for forty years and will continue.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by Jennifer Payne

Contact the Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry immediately to report that your certification card has been stolen and to find out the appropriate course of action. A representative should tell you what needs to be done and how to obtain a replacement card. Make sure to mention that your address has changed as well. Ask if completing and sending the Change or Correction form is what you need to do in order to update your information on the registry. The Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry can be reached at 877-329-8760.
