Nurse Aide Training Programs in Washington State

Everyone is looking to find low cost or free CNA programs, but only a few facilities offer them. Nursing assistant training may be cost free when a long term care home needs additional staff and has qualified to provide the education to new trainees. When free programs are not available, what other options are out there? Can you afford to enroll in a CNA training class in Washington State? This is a very important question for those interested in becoming certified nurse assistants but are on a very strict budget. With some planning, hard work, and good advice, anyone may overcome the cost barrier and realize their professional dreams. Part-time CNA courses are one of the best alternatives when you are on a budget and looking for a way to afford the cost of a CNA education.

This option will allow you to keep your current job or find a temporary job for weekdays while attending a nurse aide course during weekends. In this fashion you are getting your regular income while going to school and will afford to pay for your classes. Many private CNA schools will work with you and arrange fixed payments that are realistic for your budget so that you won't be forced to pay the whole tuition upfront. Federal and state grants are also available to students who meet specific qualification criteria. Even if you don't think you will qualify for government help we encourage all students to take the time and apply.

CNA Classes in Grays Harbor County

Grays Harbor College CNA Course - Aberdeen
1620 Edward P Smith Drive, Aberdeen, WA 98520
Phone: (360) 538-4148

Hoquiam Healthcare DBA Pacific Care
3035 Cherry Street, Hoquiam, Washington 98550
Phone: (360) 532-7882

CNA Courses in Island County

Oak Harbor High School Health Center Nurse Aide Training - Coupeville
P.O. Box 1140, Coupeville, WA 98239
Phone: (360) 279-5400

Skagit Valley College Whidbey Island Campus - Oak Harbor
1900 SE Pioneer Way, Oak Harbor, Washington 98277
Phone: (360) 679-5323

Nurse Aide Programs in Jefferson County

Kah Tai Care Center CNA Program - Port Townsend
751 Kearney Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone: (360) 385-3555

Nursing Assistant Training Classes in Adams County

Avalon Care Center LLC. - Othello
495 North 13th Street, Othello, Washington 99344
Phone: (509) 488-9609

Life Care Center of Ritzville CNA Program
506 South Jackson Street, Ritzville, WA 99169
Phone: (509) 659-1600

CNA Programs in Kittitas County

Royal Vista Care Center CNA Course - Ellensburg
1506 Radio Road, Ellensburg, Washington 98926
Phone: (509) 674-2461

Kittitas Valley Health and Rehabilitation Center - Ellensburg
1008 East Mountain View Ave., Ellensburg, WA 98926
Phone: (509) 925-4171

Nursing Aide Training Schools in Asotin County

Walla Walla Community College - Clarkston
1470 Bridge Street, Clarkston, Washington 99403
Phone: (509) 758-1702

Clarkston Care Center
1242 11th Street, Clarkston, WA 99403
Phone: (509) 758-2523

CNA Programs in Clallam County

Peninsula College Nursing Assistant Program - Port Angeles
1502 East Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, WA 98362
Phone: (360) 417-6505

Crestwood Convalescent Center CNA Training Course - Port Angeles
1116 East Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Phone: (360) 452-9206

Port Angeles High School Nurse Aide Training Course
304 East Park Ave., Port Angeles, WA 98362
Phone: (360) 565-1566

Forks Community Hospital District No. 1
530 Bogachiel Way, Forks, Washington 98331
Phone: (360) 374-6271

Olympic Care and Rehabilitation C.N.A. Class - Sequim
1000 5th Avenue South, Sequim, WA 98382
Phone: (360) 582-3900

CNA Classes in Clark County

Clark County Career Development Center - Vancouver
7710 NE Vancouver Mall Drive, Suite C, Vancouver, Washington 98662
Phone: (360) 574-1535

CNA Training Vancouver
6168 NE Highway 99, Suite 102, Vancouver, WA 98665
Phone: (360) 635-7506

Clark College Nursing Assistant Course - Vancouver
1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, Washington 98663
Phone: (360) 992-6116

Clark County Skills Center Nurse Assistant Program - Vancouver
12200 NE 28th Street, Vancouver, WA 98682
Phone: (360) 604-1050

CNA Training School of Nursing - Vancouver
5317 NE Street St. Johns Road, Suite F, Vancouver, Washington 98661
Phone: (360) 546-0098

Northwest NAC Training - Vancouver
11606 NE 66th Street, Suite 103, Vancouver, WA 98604
Phone: (360) 882-0101

Clark College Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training - Vancouver
18700 SE Mill Plain Blvd., Washington 98663
Phone: (360) 992-6116

CNA Courses in Washington State ( Page 4 )

Nursing assistant programs prepare individuals for challenging the nurse aide certification exam and for entry level positions in health care environments. Each state has the authority to decide how many hours of training a nursing assistant course must consist of, as long as the minimum federal requirement of seventy-five hours is met. Students interested in attending CNA classes have a wide array of choices when it comes to selecting a training facility.

Nursing assistant courses are conducted at nursing homes, vocational schools, private schools, and community colleges. Program length, admission requirements, and cost of training vary depending on the policies of every training facility. Several states have implemented legislation which requires licensed long-term care facilities to reimburse CNA employees for the costs associated with training. An individual who has paid for nursing assistant training classes and who becomes employed by a nursing home within a year of obtaining certification, is eligible for financial reimbursement. Compared to other training programs in the health care field, nursing assistant classes are relatively short and inexpensive. Obtaining state certification as a CNA is the main requirement for securing a nurse aide job at a nursing home, hospital, rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility.

CNA Training Schools and Programs

CNA classes, schools and programs by state.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

Name: Pamela S. Date posted: August 30, 2013 - 05:51 PM
Message: I am interested in CNA training in Clallam County at Olympic Rehab. Please advise on times it will take to complete and any other info I may need to begin a soon as possible.

Name: Admin Date posted: August 31, 2013 - 11:00 PM
Message: If you are interested in attending the CNA training program at the Olympic Care and Rehabilitation Center, my advice is to contact the facility at (360) 582-3900 to find out the enrollment criteria, program length and cost, as well as class schedules. Communicate your interest to enroll in the CNA program and ask to speak with the nursing assistant program representative.

Hailee S.on September 10, 2014 at 01:10 PM
I am really interested in becoming a certified nursing assistant. I am in the military and we go out to sea continuously. I do not have too much time to actually attend a program until next year. Who offers online CNA classes?

Admin on September 10, 2014 at 02:37 PM
Certified nursing assistant courses have both classroom and clinical instruction components. While you might be able to complete the theoretical component through an online course, the hands-on clinical training must be conducted at a facility such as a nursing home or hospital. Even if you find a program which offers online courses for the theoretical portion of the class, you still have to be present for on-site clinical training in order to complete the course. Even though you might have to wait a year until you are able to enroll and complete a nursing assistant training class, you still have the opportunity to decide on a particular school in the state where you are stationed in next. If you want to go further, contact the school and ask which textbook they use for their CNA classes. Purchasing the book and studying when you have time will prepare you for the class as well as for the state exam. Good luck!

How do I sign up for CNA training? I am having trouble finding the shortest training program in my area. Can you help me?

How long does it take to get the CNA certificate itself while in school taking courses?

Can you share any tips or advice regarding CNA job interviews?

I am trying to get some info on where to start in the health care profession. Is it better to start as a CNA or LVN?

I am a pre-nursing student. Is it true that becoming a CNA and getting the experience, really helps you with clinicals in nursing school?

CNA Resources

CNA Training Requirements

There is a wide disparity between CNA training requirements among the states. The difference lies in the mandatory number of total training hours necessary to complete state-approved CNA classes.

While according to federal law each nursing assistant course should contain a minimum of seventy-five (75) instruction and clinical hours, individual states have the liberty to mandate extra training requirements for certified nursing assistants. The majority of states exceed the threshold federal minimum requirements for nurse aide training programs because they are considered insufficient to result in an optimal and safe level of care for clients.

A review of nationwide state requirements for nurse assistant courses has found that the following states have mandated highest number of CNA program hours: Maine with a minimum of 90 hours of theory, 20 hours of laboratory skills and 70 hours of clinical instruction for a total of 180 hours; California with one hundred and sixty (160) training hours; Delaware and Oregon each requiring one hundred and fifty (150) hours; followed by the state of Alaska with one hundred and forty (140) hours; Virginia, Arizona, and West Virginia have a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) training hours for state-approved classes.

CNA Training Programs

Nurse Aide Registries

Alaska Wyoming Oklahoma Washington DC Delaware Maryland Maryland Delaware New Jersey New Jersey Connecticut Connecticut Rhode Island Rhode Island Massachusetts Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Vermont New Hampshire Missouri Indiana Pennsylvania Alabama Maine New York West Virginia Wisconsin Ohio Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Louisiana Mississippi Florida Georgia Tennessee Illinois Michigan Michigan Minnesota Utah Kentucky Kansas South Dakota Arizona Idaho Washington State California Arkansas Texas Nebraska North Dakota Iowa Hawaii Nevada Oregon New Mexico Colorado Montana